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Mostrando resultados de 10177
  • Conversation (KET)

    EduBook Organización

    • 1778 visitas

    Complete the conversation. What does John say to Wendy? John: Do you want to go swimming in the Mermaids’ Lagoon? Wendy: John: When can we go? Wendy: John : At what time? Wendy: John : Can Michael…

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  • Let's find out more about Australia

    EduBook Organización

    • 1782 visitas

    Work in small groups. Choose a city or area in Australia. Prepare a fact file on it. Use these questions to help you. How big is the population of the city/area? What’s the climate like? What are its…

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  • English Bites / Dog Music

    Xtec Organización

    • 1679 visitas

    Everyone has their own idea about what makes a good song. But have you ever wondered what kind of music dogs like? So most dogs don't walk down the street wearing headphones, let alone listening to…

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  • Check. Opposition to Franco | Recurso educativo 484861

    Check. Opposition to Franco

    EduBook Organización

    • 1694 visitas

    Remember what you have studied in this section and answer the questions: Which political parties and groups opposed Francoism? What do you think about their tactics? What were the most important social…

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  • Investiga - O medio biolóxico | Recurso educativo 530317

    Investiga - O medio biolóxico

    EduBook Organización

    • 1687 visitas

    Elixe un ser vivo e escribe o seu nome. Busca un organismo do seu medio que sexa beneficioso para el e outro que sexa prexudicial, e explica as razóns de cada caso. Escribe tamén o nome dun ser vivo…

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  • Answer. The Solar System 01 | Recurso educativo 565318

    Answer. The Solar System 01

    EduBook Organización

    • 1685 visitas

    In 100 million years, the Sun will become a red giant: When do stars like the Sun become red giants? How does the life cycle of a red giant end? Which stars end their life cycles by becoming black…

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  • Identifica. Unha sociedade estamental | Recurso educativo 586173

    Identifica. Unha sociedade estamental

    EduBook Organización

    • 1689 visitas

    Escribe o nome do estamento social ao que se refire cada definición: Constituía a maioría da poboación e un estamento non privilexiado: . Encargábanse de protexer os territorios mediante as armas:…

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  • Elixe. Artrópodos e vertebrados | Recurso educativo 586452

    Elixe. Artrópodos e vertebrados

    EduBook Organización

    • 1688 visitas

    Os artrópodos teñen esqueleto, como os vertebrados. Con todo, a pesar de teren funcións comúns, os dous tipos de esqueleto son moi distintos un do outro. Para destacar as súas semellanzas e…

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  • True/false. The tertiary sector | Recurso educativo 567274

    True/false. The tertiary sector

    EduBook Organización

    • 1679 visitas

    Are the following sentences about tertiary sector activities true or false? They are in a period of expansion all over the world. They offer a great variety of services. They have a high level of…

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  • Escribe as comas onde corresponda: | Recurso educativo 563243

    Escribe as comas onde corresponda:

    EduBook Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1461 visitas

    Escribe as comas onde corresponda: Para a sobremesa hai torta xeado froita flan e biscoito. As estacións do ano son primavera verán outono e inverno. Fala un pouco máis amodo Carlos! Gústanme as…

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