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Explica. Què en saps? 1
EduBook Organización
- 1585 visitas
Saps què era la cavalleria? Quina idea tens dels cavallers medievals? Creus que en el segle XV existien els cavallers prototípics de l'època feudal?
Medieval Europe: Serfs
Suzanne Teesdale Organización
- 1188 visitas
This section describes the role of serfs in the feudal system. It uses reenactors, images of surviving castles, and art from the period.
Define conceptos
EduBook Organización
- 1169 visitas
Define, con tus propias palabras, qué son estos términos. Después, compara lo que has escrito con las definiciones de un diccionario: feudo siervo señor feudal
Medieval Europe: Knights
Suzanne Teesdale Organización
- 1067 visitas
This video describes the role of knights in the feudal system. It uses reenactors, images of surviving castles, and art from the period.
Urban society
EduBook Organización
- 4618 visitas
3.1. The appearance of the bourgeoisie The growth of cities transformed feudal society. Kings, nobles and clergy conceded more personal freedom and rights to their subjects. As a result, a new social…
A sociedade urbana
EduBook Organización
- 3906 visitas
3.1. A aparición da burguesía O crecemento das cidades transformou a sociedade feudal. As novas urbes acolleron multitude de persoas dedicadas ao traballo artesanal e ao comercio, que non dependían…
Match. The fiefdom
EduBook Organización
- 3749 visitas
Match each definition with a word: Plots of land within the fiefdom worked by peasants. Lands given by the king, a noble or other feudal lord. The place where feudal lords imparted justice and dealt…
Relaciona. O feudo
EduBook Organización
- 2920 visitas
Relaciona cada definición: Parcelas de terra que o señor lles entregaba aos servos ou aos campesiños libres a cambio do pagamento dunhas rendas. Parcelas dentro do feudo propiedade de campesiños…
Choose. The subsistence economy of peasants on a fiefdom
EduBook Organización
- 2823 visitas
Choose the correct answer: Which social group made up the majority of the population in the Middle Ages? How many categories of peasant were there? What type of agriculture was used during the Middle…
As terras do feudo
EduBook Organización
- 2737 visitas
4.1. O feudo O feudo estaba formado polas terras outorgadas polo rei ou por un nobre a outro señor feudal. O señor podía transmitírllelo en herdanza aos descendentes, pero non se podía mercar nin…
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