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Mostrando resultados de 10177
  • Observa. A xema | Recurso educativo 586686

    Observa. A xema

    EduBook Organización

    • 1901 visitas

    A palabra xema vén do latín gema, que quere dicir "abrocho tenro dunha planta". Actualmente, ese segue a ser un dos significados de xema. Fíxate nesta foto das xemas dunha planta. Coidas que…

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  • Observa. A altitude | Recurso educativo 555809

    Observa. A altitude

    EduBook Organización

    • 1883 visitas

    A altitude, tal como mostra este esquema que representa a illa de Tenerife, condiciona a humidade e a temperatura. Estes factores, asemade, determinan a existencia de vexetación e, xa que logo, de…

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  • Resumos - As tres cabazas | Recurso educativo 583390

    Resumos - As tres cabazas

    EduBook Organización

    • 1882 visitas

    1. A declamación dun texto teatral Declamar un texto teatral é dicilo en voz alta representando o diálogo entre as personaxes que aparecen na obra. Para declamar unha personaxe é importante coñecer…

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  • Escribe. Indefinidos | Recurso educativo 582764

    Escribe. Indefinidos

    EduBook Organización

    • 1878 visitas

    Substitúe os numerais por indefinidos: Onte lin cento sesenta e tres páxinas do libro. Naquela carballeira viron vinte e cinco arceas e dous coellos. Teño catro euros para mercar ese libro. Só catro…

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  • Identifica. Serras de Galicia | Recurso educativo 585680

    Identifica. Serras de Galicia

    EduBook Organización

    • 1879 visitas

    Indica a que serras galegas fan referencia estas frases: Sitúanse ao Norte da Comunidade. Teñen os picos máis altos de toda Galicia. Teñen vales estreitos e abundan as gargantas e os canóns. Non…

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  • Vocabulary – adjectives ending with -ing and -ed (II)

    EduBook Organización

    • 1923 visitas

    Answer the questions. Choose an adjective from the table on the exercise "Vocabulary – adjectives ending with -ing and -ed (I)". You offer to pay for a friend’s coffee but then discover that…

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  • Your Trip Around the World

    EduBook Organización

    • 1929 visitas

    Read the email. Choose a country you plan to visit on your trip around the world. Write an email in reply describing where you are, what you have done and what you can do there. Hi Sarah, I’m in an…

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  • Reading

    EduBook Organización

    • 1925 visitas

    During the hot summer months, the girls in Avonlea have parties in their gardens. One day Diana has a big party. She invites all the girls in her class. Diana’s mother makes a lot of good things to…

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  • The declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen (1789) | Recurso educativo 585027

    The declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen (1789)

    EduBook Organización

    • 1871 visitas

    The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was a model for many constitutions in the 19th and 20th centuries. Art. 1. Men are born free and equal in rights (…). Art. 2. (…) These…

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  • Let's learn how to... - Living in society | Recurso educativo 463923

    Let's learn how to... - Living in society

    EduBook Organización

    • 1864 visitas

    Hold a class meeting In class meetings we talk with our teacher and our classmates. We talk about subjects that interest us and we resolve any problems between classmates. When we hold a class meeting,…

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