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Mostrando resultados de 9714
  • Sintetiza. Os conflitos no mundo actual | Recurso educativo 550515

    Sintetiza. Os conflitos no mundo actual

    EduBook Organización

    • 2349 visitas

    Responde as preguntas seguintes: Sinala os conflitos armados máis relevantes do mundo actual. Que continente é o máis afectado pola guerra? Cales son as causas dos conflitos e tensións que existen…

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  • Introdución - Tempo e diñeiro | Recurso educativo 700943

    Introdución - Tempo e diñeiro

    EduBook Organización

    • 2313 visitas

    Obxectivos didácticos Coñecer as principais unidades de tempo de uso habitual na vida cotiá e a súa equivalencia. Realizar sumas e restas de datos de tempo expresando o resultado coas unidades…

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  • Discussion (I)

    EduBook Organización

    • 2322 visitas

    Work with a partner. Do you agree or disagree with these statements about some of the characters in Part One? Explain why. Benvolio is Romeo’s cousin and also his best friend. Tybalt probably wanted…

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  • Dibuja tu habitación: | Recurso educativo 721016

    Dibuja tu habitación:

    EduBook Organización

    • 2320 visitas

    Observa la„ fotografía„. ¿Toda„ la„ familia„ son iguale„? ¿Qué familia de la„ fotografía„ se parece má„ a la tuya? ¿Quiéne„ forman tu familia? ¿Todo„ viví„ en la misma…

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  • Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation - How to Pronounce English

    Richard Petterson Docente

    • 2340 visitas

    A free online Talking English Pronunciation Dictionary - simply mouseover/tap your entry to hear it pronounced. American and British spellings, with alternative pronunciations. Sounds are fast, clear…

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  • Final self-evaluation 4. [...] | Recurso educativo 468846

    Final self-evaluation 4. [...]

    EduBook Organización

    • 2340 visitas

    Which section do the following topics refer to?: The cathedral of Santiago is an imposing Romanesque building in the shape of a Latin cross that is typical of churches of pilgrimage. The new settlers…

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  • Think about it. The responses of plants | Recurso educativo 483090

    Think about it. The responses of plants

    EduBook Organización

    • 2341 visitas

    Remember what you have studied in this section and answer the questions: Discuss whether a plant would respond to light if the tips of the stem were cut off. Explain why poinsettias are typical…

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  • Birds and their food | Recurso educativo 571097

    Birds and their food

    EduBook Organización

    • 2335 visitas

    The majority of birds eat seeds and the nectar in flowers. Others eat fish or small mammals. The shape of a bird's beak is adapted to the type of food that it eats. Do you know the names of these…

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  • O Entomodelfo | Recurso educativo 583933

    O Entomodelfo

    EduBook Organización

    • 2341 visitas

    Lectura –Distinguidas donas e cabaleiro –había trinta e sete señoras e un só home–, o tema da miña disertación será "Xeneralizacións sobre a cría, costumes e posibilidades de…

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  • Explica. Técnicas no cómic | Recurso educativo 583078

    Explica. Técnicas no cómic

    EduBook Organización

    • 2332 visitas

    Observa os debuxos e os bocadillos. Conta a técnica que utiliza o autor para representar: O descenso do caldeiro. Que as follas das árbores voan. Que a raposa vai lonxe. Que o lobo está berrando. O…

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